General FAQs

Best Tutor is an online learning platform. Students can learn any subject from our selected tutors online. We provide verities of tutor, such as, Math tutor, English tutor, Bengali tutor, Arabic tutor etc. Students have to choose their tutor accordingly and start learning.

The tutors are from both Bangladesh and UK. We have filtered only the best tutors according to their academic results and qualification and who are willing to guide the students to excellence.

A student can be anyone. We do not have any age or country limit, as long as you speak the language of your tutor and have the urge to learn.

Yes it is possible through our website. You can contact any tutor from our tutor list, irrespective of the country of the tutor.

If you forgot your username or password and are unable to login, then click the Forgot your password? link, which will redirect you to a page where you have to insert your mail id and a password reset mail will be sent to your account. By clicking the content of the mail you can reset your username and password

Tutor Related FAQs

Go to the Become a Tutor page and register as a tutor. It is completely free!

We are currently appointing individuals who are residing in UK and Bangladesh. The individual should have a good academic track as well as the aim to mentor the student to his/her goal through online education

Even though it is not strictly required but having previous experience always adds more chances to be selected as a tutor in BestTutors.

First you have to register as a tutor and send us your credentials. After reviewing your credentials we can either assign you as a tutor or interview you for further assessment. After you have been interviewed we will notify you about your result in a short period of time.

Student Related FAQs

You can register by clicking in the blue button located on the top right corner of your computer screen. It is completely free!

The tuition will always take place in online through the tools and services provided by the BestTutors.

Go to the Find Tutor page. Fill up the input fields according to your need, explore all the profiles of the tutors related to your interest and select the one who fits the best to your expectation.

There is no fixed tuition fee. Tutors charge their fee according to their experience and academic knowledge. For UK students the range is between 3-50 GBP per hour and for BD students the range is 170-2855 TAKA per hour

For UK students the payment method is Paypal and for BD students the payment method is bKash.